Your Malaysian Host

Learn All About Us

Hi Friends,

This is Edwin and team, your personal Malaysian Hosts. You may have an idea or two about Malaysia and where is Asia, if you watched on Youtube or posts on Facebook. We have created this website to share our experiences in and about Malaysia and information that are previously not accessible. We want to make sure that you are as informed as you can be about Malaysia and have fun whenever you visit!

Whether you are planning to visit Malaysia or have recently moved there, this comprehensive website on Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur will give you everything you need to know and more.

Edwin's Story

I was brought up in a suburb called the Petaling Jaya which is about 20km from capital city of Kuala Lumpur. I'm a Chinese Malaysian, great grand fathers (paternal and maternal) were immigrants to Malaysia from China and both were businessmen.

Living in Malaysia as a Chinese Malaysian and integration into the society where more than 57% are Muslim Malaysians was easy than most people have thought. In fact, all Chinese, Indians and Malays live together in harmony. We grow up together, go to the same school together, pee in the same toilet, learn the same stuff, attend each others birthday parties.

As time passes, my interest and fascination about Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia kept growing for a variety of reasons. I am a finance graduate and studied in a foreign university in a foreign country where high paying jobs were abundant (due to stronger currency). So what made me decided to return home?

Malaysia is a well blessed Country with no major disasters like we've watched in the news not too long ago. Malaysia is well position in the equatorial of the earth and hence it could only be hot and humid (or summer if you like) all year round and is a major attraction for travelers all around the world. Even the locals find this fascinating. Malaysia is also politically much more stable and less violent than many other countries.

I am well in-tune with the business environment in Malaysia as well as the properties and stock market. Now, let me talk a little about Malaysia here.

Malaysia is well-known for its natural resources, when my foreign associates joked that Malaysian can be lazy coz everything that you throw on the floor will grow and flourish in Malaysia! Mind you, Malaysia is the largest producer of palm oil (albeit most plantation acreage are situated in Indonesia and Thailand (our neighbours). Malaysia is also well know for its rubber industry as they are the third largest rubber producing country behind Malaysia’s notorious neighbours again- Thailand and Indonesia.

Real estate properties has appreciated and countless quality jobs have been created as more and more businesses and people consider relocating to or visiting Malaysia. Expats are everywhere and in abundance, attracted by good job prospects as well as the retreat of major global economy giants such as the Europe and US. The Malaysian economy has experienced unprecedented growth but not as much as our Singaporean counterparts so much that they are building land on water because they ran out of "real" land lol. Where did they get the land from? You guess is just as good as mine!

Why is it important to get tips and information from a Local Host?

Locals know much more than what visitors think they do. For instance, during my business visit to Libya back in 2009 (just before the civil war) Thank God! We were scheduled for a tour at two most famous UNESCO accredited World Heritage Sites, Leptis Magna and Sabratha, both astonishing ancient Roman remains with solid yet finely crafted architecture to boot. Such a Roman pride! Mind you, entry to both sites are strictly prohibited to foreign visitors unless special permission is granted. Hold up! This is not the best part!

The best part is we had a chance to experience and dip ourselves into the magnificent crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea at a secluded pathway reachable only by foot on a 1 hour journey from the site. The beach has no infrastructure to connect it to the road and we had to slide ourselves down from the upper cliff. All this will not be possible if we hadn't had our experienced host. (actually the host is a Malaysian but was well blended with the locals and culture there)

I'll upload some pictures as well as the video on those sites and the beach soon, so check our blog more often. Bookmark our Malaysian Information Site, if possible!

Freebies from Your Malaysian Hosts

After you have bookmarked our website, join our Malaysia Blog email follow list on the right sidebar, where you will hear about what new and exciting things are happening in Malaysia as well as receive updates of new content to this website.

The Local Malaysia Events section allows you or anyone else to post an advertisement for their event for FREE. Say you want to organize a party, or say a local organizer is holding a concert or a launch; this is where you post the news for FREE! Thousands of our visitors as well as our contributors will be able to see it immediately. It is essentially free advertisement.

If you are interested in the Malaysia Stock Market, either for investment or speculation, we have the Investment in Malaysia section which will give you a feel and pulse on the stock market latest trends and news. We will also introduce the well known and largest market capitalized companies.

The Malaysia FAQ section gives you a chance to ask any question and immediately have it addressed by thousands of visitors (including us)! You can also answer questions others have asked. Everyone helps each other in this section!

Other good stuff includes Malaysian Guide Books, where you can read about vendors in Malaysia, see how others have rated them, and get a chance to rate them too. This helps everyone as it exposes the quality stores and services to go to and pay for. It automatically weeds out the losers.

We are currently organizing a Yearly FREE vacation in Malaysia Contest. Wanna know how to win free vacations??? Just submit Your Malaysia Story and if yours is the most exciting, most unique and most peculiar of all then, you will be invited to an exclusive FREE 3 Days 2 nights Vacation at one of Malaysia's popular destinations!

What's Next at the Malaysia Information Site?

Plenty! More reviews on places of attraction, forums and our current project is the Blog Shop, where we will search for essential items that you need as well as souvenirs so that you can get the best deals and much more... We are very excited and each time we grow our site, you are right there to commend us and inspire us to push further.

We want to make this the one stop centre for first hand and practical information that can help you as a traveler, tourist, expat and even a current resident of Malaysia.

We cannot do it alone however. We need your help. Provide us with your input to help shape up the future of this website. What do you want more off? What are people really looking / searching for out there? Without you, there is no us. Contact us and let us know how we can improve right now!

Why Did We Create The Malaysia Information Site?

Frankly speaking, there is no website out there that offers you fresh first hand perspective on Malaysia and things to do in Malaysia.

Don't get us wrong, there are many sites on Malaysia, but they are all large commercial sites that don't really speak from a practical perspective. They haven’t been there or done that. They exist just so they can sell you their stuff!

Being a traveler myself, I know how frustrating it is to search everywhere on the internet on the information you wanted only to find yourself immersed in a pool of website with foreign language (especially local authority websites) or more pages of advertising and pitching with pop-ups. I know how annoying it is to clear away pop ups.

Your Malaysian Hosts on the other hand have experienced living in Malaysia for almost 3 decades. Our experiences will only continue to grow and you will be the first ones to find out about them on this website! You don't want something generic. You want specific information coming from real people like us. We hope to see you soon and often!
